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  • Click on the "Add files" button to select the files to upload
  • Press the 'Upload File and Notify' button to upload the file to the server and send email(s)
  • Allowed file types: [*.jpg,*.png,*.heif,*.heic,*.gif,*.doc,*.docx,*.ico,*.zip,*.pdf,*.iso,*.rar,*.tif,*.doc,*.docx,*.txt,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.jpeg,*.mov,*.mp4,*.webm,*.ogg]
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Attach Files:
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Allowed file types: [*.jpg,*.png,*.heif,*.heic,*.gif,*.doc,*.docx,*.ico,*.zip,*.pdf,*.iso,*.rar,*.tif,*.doc,*.docx,*.txt,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.jpeg,*.mov,*.mp4,*.webm,*.ogg]